Barajando otras posibilidades. Shuffling other possibilities.

The Classics:
4.Freeze me like Walt Disney until there's work
5.World dominator
6. Go to the shit. "Passengers with destination: the shit board through door 3".

LONDRES. Para los que vieron "Náufrago". London. For those who saw "Cast away"


I s... on all those who ruined the project of the tower of Babel!

Lo barato sale caro. Cheap things cost expensive.

My new bicycle and me.

Cómo estudio...How I study...

Give me everything you have brain, this is a robbery!

Mañana empiezo las clases. Tomorrow I start the classes.


Maga:"-How much is it?"
Employee: "-Our computer is creating new quasi-infinite numbers to charge you."

LONDRES. La semana pasada tuve visitas...¡gracias! London. Last week I had visitors...Thanks!

LONDRES. Día 90, buscando desesperadamente la salida. London. Day 90, desperately looking for the exit.

LONDRES. Los problemitas con el idioma. London, the problems with the language.

           Wait, how do you say "Do not steal me, please?"

LONDRES. Primera entrevista de trabajo. London. First job interview.


                                 I think I should begin to look where the cars are coming.

ECUADOR. La Maga enviando postales a Home. La Maga sending postcards to Home.

ECUADOR. Los viajes por Ecuador. Travels around Ecuador.

8 days-1 day- 8 days

ECUADOR. Mecanismos de defensa cuando La Maga vivía en un 3º. Mechanisms of defense when La Maga lived in a 3rd

Our bell in Ecuador...
3rd: two very muscular young men armed.

¡Por fin trabajo! Finally work!

Contract valid for dying 8 hours a day.

La Maga en paro. La Maga unemployed.

                                                   Day 1, looking for a job./ 3 months later...

La Maga en la ginecóloga. La Maga in the gynecologist.

Dr.:"-How old are you?"

¡Siguienteeeee! Nextttt!

Maga: "-I feel a pain in my back".
Dr.:"-Ajam...then take a painkiller every 8 hours".

Parásitos. Parasites.

Maga:"-I'm still feeling bad, are you sure I have nothing?
Dr.: "-You have nothing, surely it is psychological."

Ante todo, profesionalidad. First of all, professionalism.

                                                              P:"-Doctor, lately my hair is falling."
                                                              Dr.:"-Mmm...Ok, we're going to put this through your nose and take it out from your ass. But, for the record, it is strictly necessary and not for personal enjoyment."

Consulta médica. Medical consultation.

Dr.:"-Hello, tell me: what's wrong?"
P: "-Doctor, it must be very, very serious, because I do not have any symptoms and anything is hurting me".

Explorando mi cerebro...Exploring my brain...

-Left lobe. Repeats 24 hours: "the world can not be like that, it's too unfair and hard"
-Right lobe. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
-Left brain part. It works 50% after the change of hair to straight.
-Right brain part.

LUNES. Monday

M: "-Leave me where there are no humans, please."

Los 30. The 30 years.

...And all this, now you have  to do it for real...